Junior Pass Program explained | 2022 Masters Skip to main content

Junior Pass Program explained

Posted March 7, 2012, 5:30 pm
BY |
Sports Editor

The Masters must be just around the corner because my e-mail is starting to fill up with questions about the rite of spring.

Almost as certain as the azaleas blooming at Augusta National are the queries that pour in. Most of them usually revolve around coveted Masters badges, and the usual response is no. I don’t have any extras lying around the office that I can hand out.

However, I got an intriguing question from Ben, a young reader who would like to take advantage of the Junior Pass Program that was implemented in 2008.

Ben wrote:

“I read your article and was so excited to see that juniors could get in free! I went on the Masters website though, and it said regardless of age, everyone must have a ticket to get on the grounds.. I plan on making a trip up to Augusta but not until I’m positive about the program.. Is it really true?”

My response to Ben was that yes, the Masters allows accredited patrons to bring a child between the ages of 8 to 16. But there are certain protocols to follow.

According to the club,fans ages 8-16 can attend free when accompanied by an accredited patron (the person whose name appears on the series badge application) on tournament days. There is a limit of one child per patron.

The program does not apply to volunteers, employees or business partners who receive or purchase series badges.

Juniors need not be related to the accredited patron to attend.

Juniors must register at the ticket gate; patrons must show driver’s license.

A complimentary pass will be issued to the junior, and it is not transferable.

I told Ben I admired his enthusiasm and desire to attend the Masters. I hope he can find his way to Augusta and be able to attend the tournament.

Something tells me he will.