Foods sampling a patron tradition at Masters | 2022 Masters Skip to main content

Foods sampling a patron tradition at Masters

Posted April 7, 2012, 4:02 pm
BY |
Staff Writer

CHEESE IT: Of all the hype he heard about the Masters Tourna­ment, Brooks Terrell of Char­lotte, N.C., knew the one thing he couldn’t miss.

“The pimento cheese sandwiches,” he said. “Everybody I know that’s come talks about it, so I figured I’d be part of it.”

Terrell and fraternity brother Kevin Patock made the concession stand one of their first stops Saturday. They stocked up on sandwiches, beer and chips before hitting the course.

“It’s mystical out here,” Patock said.

MAKING PICKS: When taking a stab at choosing a winner for the Masters, Ray Micheletti of Atlanta looks at a player’s presence.

Matt Kuchar has it all, he said.

“He’s a good, young gentleman and good for the game,” Micheletti said.

Friend John Keane has an eye for the players who are most entertaining to watch, and he said Keegan Bradley has a spark.

“It’s just the way he prepares, and the cameras always catch his facial expressions, which are really telling,” Keane said.

TASTE TEST: On his first trip to the Masters, Dan Klint said he wants a taste of it all.

Before watching the golfers, he tasted a sausage biscuit, chicken biscuit and chips.

“I try a little of everything,” he said.

Friend Jeff Bachner said he likes to stick to the classics. He said he can buy pimento cheese from the grocery store any time, but it’s never the same.

“It just tastes better here,” Bachner said.